
Sieben Projekte, ein Dialog

Publication / 2021-10-26

The publication ‘Sieben Projekte, ein Dialog’, created in collaboration with Thomas Hirter, presents a selection of type projects that focus on signage, identity, and/or three-dimensional questions of typography. The collective experience of our previous projects resulted in an intensive reflection on what type is capable of in the three-dimensional space and which possibilities are underused. Set in Binnenland‘s new corporate typeface and printed as an insert, this examination expands our presented projects and their processes as a dialogue. 

For the first time, Binnenland provides an insight into customer- specific tasks as well as applied methods and cooperations in the projects. The small edition was printed by Kasimir Meyer AG in Indigo print on the wonderful paper Werkdruck from Fischer Papier. The large-format is held together by a saddle stitch and is available in a numbered edition of 100.